LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Decision time

As I end day 71 of continuous bleeding even with me being on progestin for the last half of this time I fear I have reached my crossroads. I am tired of blood, and I am tired of pain. I don't want to live my life in fear and I feel every decision I make is based on my job, my relationship, my livelihood. I don't mean to sound so final but I am far to old to continue to wait on something to change. I have been battling the symptoms of my disorder for almost 20 years...and trying to fill my desire for children for at least the last 10. I don't have the answers....the experts don't have the answers and if they can't stop the pain or bleeding am I really suppose to have blind faith that they will get me to ovulate, conceive and carry to term? I never thought I would be seriously considering a hysterectomy...but its in my thoughts nowadays more and more. I can't continue being sick...being in pain and gaining weight.

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