LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I don't want to work anymore

I feel like I have been working towards things all of my life. Working for a better lifestyle, working for a better education, working for a better relationship, working for a better health condition, working for a baby, working "fill in the blank here" and I am tired. I may have to come to terms that I will not have biological children, or any children for that matter. I dont think I have the tolerance or emotional stability to go through adoption. And that is pretty much my only option. It is selfish but I want my own child...I want a mini likeness of me. I want the entire pregnacy experience including morning sickness, and heartburn. I want to be able to lay next to my husband as he rubs my belly and we bond together with our child long before he is brought into this world. This is truly a frustrating time for me.

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